Monday, October 19, 2009

back to being me :)

as i mentioned in the begining of this brief, i am the complete opposite of morose and dark. i have always been known as the bubbley, innocent girl, who always has a smile on her face. so this transformation for me was completely out of my comfort zone. i mean, even something as minor as wearing only black made me feel unlike myself. so going from friendly blondie to emo goth wasn't easy, hence the occasional cheat (hehe). it was strange how self concious i got. people would tell me that i don't look all that different and the change isn't too hectic, but to me i felt not at all like the rachel i know. this project really did make me realise how people's outer appearance completely dictates their behaviour. i would never have thought that it would affect me, but it did. i never really thought of myself as someone who hold appearance highly. yes, of course i like to present myself nicely and look good when i can, but i never put that much thought or effort into it. i have now learnt that expression of who each and every one of us are is so important, and through what we wear and how we behave is the main indication. i think im going to enjoy going back to myself, my "old" habits, my "old" way of expressing myself. i've missed being me. but now appreciate it so much more.

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hopeless romantic?

hopeless romantic?
so emo people are known for being more emotionally intuned, they experience emotions on a higher level. so would that make them better in the romance department?? hmmm. ponder me that.

name tags define all don't they

name tags define all don't they