Saturday, October 17, 2009

important exterior

this brief is slowly coming to a close now. tomorrow is the last day i experience life as my opposite. i must admit, getting colour back into my dress code is hwta i look forwad to the most. can't believe how much clothing and exterior elements affect how people behave. although i didn't dabel very far into the gothic culture, i did however try to immitate their general attire for two weeks. some reactions were a bit strange (funny, suspicious looks) but over all people didn't really seem to notice me more than they did before. i however was very aware of my exterior change. i felt like a different person some of the time, and became very conscious of how i looked. i never realised before how much appearance actually affects people, personally. it seems almost too superficial. but i now know first hand that how we dress does make a difference, not neccessarily to others but mainly to ourselves.

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hopeless romantic?

hopeless romantic?
so emo people are known for being more emotionally intuned, they experience emotions on a higher level. so would that make them better in the romance department?? hmmm. ponder me that.

name tags define all don't they

name tags define all don't they