"con+form+ity. or con+form+ance. - compliance in actions, behaviour, etc. with certain accepted standards or norms. correspondence or likeness in form or appearance."
so conformity, its a term that seems to be thrown around a lot in society lately.the outer shell has become something media has glorified. beauty is in the eye of the beholder has kinda changed into beauty is what magazines and tv tells us it is. society has become shallow, wether we like it or not. people are judged by their appearance, the book is judged by it cover. period. stereotypes have been formed by people for people. sad i know, how one minded people can be, but if we all stop and think about it, we realsie, what's the big deal? yes being shallow and judgemental isnt exactly a moral quality to have, but unfortunately to some extent its in all of us. wether its how we grew up, surrounded by media conformists, or wether we just couldn't care less, everyone usese their appearance to show who they are. many stereotypes are based around the appearance factor. perfect example, my new persona, a goth emo girl. for the past week i have transformed into my opposite. and yes, iv gotten a response. my appearance changed from bright colours, light make up and blonde locks, to black clothes and darker features. i can see people judging me when im dressed up. they look at me as if i have issues, that im "dark and weird". but im not. not at all. and yes i may be faking the exterior for the purpose of this project, but the real stereotype (goth/emo) may just dress that way because they want to. people put so much onto outer appearance that conclusions are jumped to, judgements are made. unneccessarily. im not trying to preech and tell everyone who reads this to remove their judgemental thoughts, that would just be silly (cause it would never actually happen), my point is however, that human kind is so so closed minded. sometimes we all just need to give each other a break. who cares what you wear, if that's what you wanna look like and thats how you want to represent yourself, than good for you for being honest with the world. instead of conforming, to something you've been told is you. so after this project is done, i will go back to me, how i want to present myself, without fear of judgement.
Monday, October 12, 2009
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hopeless romantic?

so emo people are known for being more emotionally intuned, they experience emotions on a higher level. so would that make them better in the romance department?? hmmm. ponder me that.
name tags define all don't they

so so true rach :) love what your doing... and i love reading your blog... super interesting :)