Monday, October 5, 2009

so my attempt at emo/goth girl didn't quite get the recognition i might need for this social experiment. i'll just have to step it up a notch. tomorrow = darker make up, less smiles and more black clothes! still gotta get my hands on a black wig though.
and next week, an extra piercing perhaps? watch this space.
emo-ness here i come!
(oh dear)


  1. shut ur mouth when ur talking to me :)
    i only just got my hair back to proper blonde after last years brunette fiasco! so i'll fake it instead. wig time!


hopeless romantic?

hopeless romantic?
so emo people are known for being more emotionally intuned, they experience emotions on a higher level. so would that make them better in the romance department?? hmmm. ponder me that.

name tags define all don't they

name tags define all don't they